CaLL 773-278-4560
Ad maiora natus sum.
I was born for greater things.– motto of St. Stanislaus Kostka
In a 2018 message for the 450th anniversary of the death of St. Stanislaus, Pope Francis encouraged youth to remember that:
“on all the paths of your daily life, that you too are capable of performing this ‘race.’ You too are driven by the love of Christ and strengthened by his grace. Be brave! The world needs your freedom of spirit, your confident gaze on the future, your thirst for truth, goodness and beauty.
Saint Stanislaus teaches you that freedom, which is not a blind race, but rather the ability to discern the goal and to follow the best ways of behavior and life. He teaches you always to seek first of all friendship with Jesus; to read and meditate on his word and welcome in his Eucharist his merciful and powerful presence, to resist the conditioning of the worldly mentality.
Saint Stanislaus teaches you not to be afraid of the risk and dreams of true happiness, whose source and guarantee is Jesus Christ.”